Monthly Archives: March 2014


I believe most of us could use a little more toughness. I certainly could. No shame to admit I’m nowhere as tough as I would like to be. That’s a work in progress. I started thinking about it back in October 2013 when I read this post at the Art of Manliness. This says it […]

Halifax é fashion

Ou pelo menos é o que dá a impressão, visto a enxurrada de emails que recebi recentemente pedindo informações sobre a cidade. Posso apenas imaginar que raios aconteceu pra atrair atenção… Então para facilitar a vida de quem anda pesquisando sobre a cidade e também pra eu não precisar escrever as mesmas coisas de novo… Read More »

Smarter, not harder #crossfit #running

I can’t even remember properly now, but I think my first race was early 2011. It wasn’t timed or anything. One of those fund raising races. I had just started running and that 5K was brutal. I ended up with bloody nipples and blisters on my heel. But getting there was hard training for what I […]