Etiqueta numa Conference Call

By | January 26, 2007

Participo de muitas conferences calls e sempre me senti incomodado com algumas pessoas que não tem a menor postura para participar delas.

Esses dias recebi um email bem interessante onde além das informações normais como número a ser chamado e ID da conferência, constava também uma pena lista de boas maneiras numa conference.

Está em inglês e se você não sabe, está na hora de aprender, porque o mercado está bem competitivo. ;-P

For people on the phone:
— Put your phone on mute, especially during breaks in long calls
— Do not call from a cell phone
— Do not put your phone on “hold” to answer your second line
— Do not put phone on “hold” to answer a second line; this second conversation can sometimes be picked up (crossed lines, etc.)

(All of the above causes interference/static on the call; putting on “hold” oftentimes pipes music into the call)

For people in a conference room participating in a meeting with people on the phone:
— Allow one person to speak at a time; it’s difficult for people on the phone to hear if two people talk at the same time
— Don’t have side conversations; these can be picked up by those on the phone; this also interferes with the main presenter
— Don’t tap pens, drum fingers, etc., on the table; the speaker phone picks this up and becomes irritating “noise” on the phone
— Put cell phones and pagers on vibrate and turn down computer speakers, sounds from which may also create undesired noise

2 thoughts on “Etiqueta numa Conference Call

  1. Silvio

    “Don’t tap pens, drum fingers, etc., on the table”, esse é o pior… Só falta o cara se empolgar e assobiar ou cantar junto… Sem noção esse povo.. 😛

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